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WTF is seriously going on?

If you have been struggling with something over the past few weeks (sometimes months), you are not alone. It seems that a lot of people are struggling with something. In many cases, it is not just some 'thing'; it's a whole lot of things. Communication between friends, partners, kids, co-workers and bosses is not flowing. There are arguments, and misunderstandings and a lot of feelings are getting hurt. Text messages are not going through. Emails meant for one person go to more than one, and oftentimes, the wrong person. Your internet freezes in the middle of your favourite show. Issues are arising but are not coming to a resolution. In fact, we are going around in circles trying to find that elusive resolution.

Wheels are spinning. Funds are low, debts are high. It is the kind of energy when you mistake the preparation H for toothpaste; baking powder for icing sugar, and even if you are well past puberty, there is a zit the size of Vesuvius about to erupt on your forehead.

Not to mention the exhaustion. The worry, rumination, and the utter, sheer exhaustion.

How you can overcome this weird energetic time.

Welcome to retrograde season!

You don't have to be an astrologist to feel the funky energy right now. That is retrograde. And actually, it is more than just mercury in retrograde. Six planets are in retrograde right now. Add a full harvest moon into the mix, just to be sure everything is well shaken and not just stirred up.

What does Retrograde even mean?

All of the planets in our solar system are doing laps around the sun. Some are further away from the sun to start with, and some are closer. and it takes longer for them to make it all the way around. Sometimes, one planet appears to be going backwards. You might have seen retrograde in action when you were travelling on a highway with other vehicles around you, going at different speeds, making one look like it is going backwards. The cars and the planets aren't actually going backwards, but it looks like they are. That is retrograde. The energy that accompanies this is pretty funky. Each planet carries an energy that rules a different area of our life, and when that particular planet is in retrograde, those areas of our lives can feel like they are going backwards.

6 different planets are in retrograde right now, no wonder you feel that funky energy!

Mercury retrograde gets the most attention as the effects are the most noticeable. The planet of communication can affect the way we relate to our loved ones, how we speak and how we listen, as well as all sorts of technologies.

So, what can we do about it?

Not sure what to do about retrograde season? Here are some tips!

Breathe. Slowly. Deeply. This energy can shake us up, but it can also help to shake off the cobwebs and help us to clear away that which no longer serves us or is working for us. This energy can take your breath away more than once. It is temporary.

Drink lots of water. Retrograde has a habit of causing old feelings, traumas and things we thought had been dealt with long ago to bubble up to the surface. Extra water helps to flush out the toxins. Get some extra sleep. Honestly, this energy can be draining. In our culture we tend to glorify busyness and look down upon the things we need to do for self-care; resting, sleeping, and saying no. Listen to your body. Stay in your PJs, on the couch, all day if you want to. Be kind to yourself. Energy is dynamic and as unsettling as it is right now, calm waters are just around the corner.

In other words, there is not much you can to do speed up the duration of retrograde energy, except knowing that it is dynamic and it will pass. The only thing you really can do is let go, allow it to work its way through to the end (first of October), and try to relax.

You've got this! And if you need help navigating through these weird times, I'd be happy to help. Book a private reading or reiki session to remove that negative energy, using the link below!

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