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Happy (Introspective) New Year! Using Numerology to make life (a little) easier…

Updated: May 25, 2023

Dear You,

Look at you, emerging from another year of (sometimes) tumultuous energy, eclipses, big, full, funky moons and numerous retrogrades. You’ve been shaken and stirred, and in some cases, set aside.

You are still here. Well done you!

Here is something to consider as you celebrate the end of a year and prepare to usher in a new one… Every thought, action and feeling carries an energy, and numerology (the science of numbers) can help us figure out the energy we are feeling on any given day, or even moment.

Numerology tells us that energies are associated with numbers. We all have a ruling number, and we are also living our lives in a 9 year cycle (that is called our personal year number).Each year in that cycle helps to propel us forward in our learning and expanding. Each year brings a certain energy into our lives and our lessons. The world at large also has a new number each year, and in 2022, the world (and by default, each of us individually) was influenced by the number 6.

6 energy is a consolidating kind of energy. As a society and as individuals, we were all sifting through the remnants of 2021, and deciding what to keep, and what to throw away. Clutter Clearing. Everything out of the closet and on the table. On a world level, that can mean ideologies, processes and ways of doing things, beliefs and values. It can mean physical things too. Changing structures and infrastructures and organizations. On a personal level it can mean getting rid of toxic habits, things and people.

It is important to remember that you have a God-given gift called ‘Free Will’, and you can choose to use the energy or not. You are always in the driver’s seat of your life. However, using the energy can help you remain in the flow of life. It can feel a little easier, a little more ‘right’.

Now, we are moving into a new year and the energy of 2023, in Numerology, is associated with the Number 7.

I’m not going to lie, year 7 energy is not about fun and games. It is a beautiful, deeply introspective energy. Outwardly, things seem fine, but inside, in your head and your heart, there may be a lot going on.

Year 7 energy might compel you to withdraw a little bit socially, and that is OK! You need to do you! The energy of the number 7 is introspective and reflective. You might find yourself asking deep questions. Your faith and your trust may be put to the test; faith and trust in yourself, in others and in the world at large.

Year 7 energy has very little time for superficial things. Feelings of frustration and cynicism can surface, and please remember that this is ok! We are questioning the way things work and the way things are, and we are making choices about what to change and what to keep.

So, what do we do with all this energy?

Give yourself permission to have some ‘Me Time’. Sit with yourself, or walk with yourself, focus on your self care, and allow yourself not to just think but to FEEL. Use both your intellect and your intuition to decide what is right for you.

A note about self care: Self care does not mean going to the spa once a month. It is every day care and nurturing that you give to yourself. Many of you reading this are givers, and this is sometimes a hard concept for givers to live by, because you tend to put everyone else before yourself. You do have to give to yourself before you can give to anyone else. You can’t pour from an empty cup (written with love and respect).

Be sure to make time with the people you connect with. Authenticity is a buzzword these days, and you too are becoming a more authentic you! Spend your time connecting with those who make your spirit sing, those who feel good to be around. Nurture your connections. You are going to need them!

Remind yourself that it is OK to feel frustrated and cynical sometimes. You get to choose when you feel ok to sit with it, unpack it, excavate it and figure it out. I’m sending you a big hug!

The world is constantly in flow. You might be feeling this energy now, or you may start to feel it early in the new year. If you don’t feel it at all, maybe try to slow down a little, or for just a moment… It is in times of quiet when we can become more in touch with ourselves and the world around us.

My wish for you is that you find yourself in alignment with where you are going, what you are doing and how you are feeling.

I wish you so, so much love, joy and abundance, in 2023 and always!!!.

Happy New Year!!!

Much Love,


Ps. Want to see what the new year holds for you? Book a tarot reading using the link below!

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