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What if I don’t like my reading?

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

It happens. You book a reading, you’re excited to receive messages from your loved ones about your glorious future, and then BAM. The spirit you were hoping to connect with doesn't show up, or they don't share the 'secret sign' you discussed with them before they passed. The energy that DOES show up is an estranged uncle or your spirit guides, telling you what you already know, or something that could apply to anyone. I am happy to say that most of my clients leave feeling fulfilled, but every once in a while, it happens…

There are many reasons you can leave a reading feeling like you didn’t have the experience you were hoping for, and there are a few things you can do to ensure you get the most out of your reading.

Keep expectations in check…

You may not like what you hear. Before each client comes for a reading, I spend time in meditation, asking for messages that are for the greatest good. Sometimes the loved one you want to connect with doesn’t show up, and sometimes the messages aren’t what we want to hear. I don’t know why. Don’t shoot the messenger…

A few words about denial….

A woman came to see me after a referral from a friend. I had a really hard time reading her. She shared very little and wasn’t interested in digging deeper (I was picking up messages that her relationship was in trouble). She told me I was wrong and ‘off’ about her and her relationship, and that the messages didn’t make sense or relate to her. I sent her home and didn’t charge her my fee. My energy can be off sometimes. A few weeks later, I opened my mailbox to find an envelope with cash and a note from her. She and her partner had split. He went back to his ex and she was blindsided. She had been in denial. The signs were all there, but she wasn’t ready to face them. Sometimes, we hear what we want to hear.

Time is a human construct…

So many of my clients want to know about timing; when they are going to get the job, meet “the one”, buy that house… Time, as we know, doesn’t exist on the other side, so to predict exact timing is next to impossible. I don’t even try.

Free will trumps everything...

There is no psychic who can tell you exactly what you’re going to do, when and with whom. Impossible. We are all given a gift called Free Will, and it trumps everything. You are in the driver’s seat of your life and have the power to make your own choices. You can change the course of your life at any time. I can read your energy and messages that can help you find the clarity and validation you need to make your best choices, but you can ignore them and choose your own path. We all retain the right to pivot.

It’s not you, it’s me.

I do my very best to keep my spiritual hygiene in check, so I can give my clients the messages that are meant for their greatest good, but I don’t always get it right. We don’t all click with everyone, and once in a while my client and I just don’t click. I’m grateful to have had less than a handful of clients I did not click with. There are lots of people who do the kind of work I do, and I’m happy to refer you to someone who might be a better fit. Sometimes it’s not you, it's me.

You either believe, or you don’t.

As an intuitive, it's hard to challenge the stereotypes about the type of work I do. Most of my clients come in with an open mind, but some aren’t quite sure. There are some who want proof - and want to test me. These are the clients who come in, arms crossed in front of them as if they’re saying “I’m not going to tell you anything and I will see how much you get”. Honestly, I don’t feel it’s my job to convince anybody that I’m for real. You either believe or you don't, and if you don’t believe, why come? If you don’t come with an open mind, you won’t get much of a reading. If you do come with an open mind, be prepared for it to be blown.

XOXO Mindy

Ps. If you'd like to book a reading with me, please do so using the link below!

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